正规彩票十大网站排名充满信仰的社区是由学生组成的, 对学习和成长充满热情的教职员工, 课堂内外都有.


正规彩票十大网站排名 offers competitive academic scholarships or grants to incoming freshmen students based on their high school grade point average (GPA), ,坐, 行为, 或CLT测试成绩. Transfer students are also eligible to receive scholarships or grants based on their collegiate grade point average (GPA) and the number of hours transferring to 正规彩票十大网站排名. We understand it is important to you as you make your decision to attend college to know the cost of attendance as well as the financial aid that you may be eligible for. 我们的净价计算器将为您提供 估计直接成本 你正在寻找的东西. 我们的 净价计算器 is customized to provide an estimate of the aid that you may be eligible for from not only the institution, 但是州政府和联邦政府. 你的个人经济援助估计只需要几分钟!


***联系人信息为可选选项. 这不是必需的. 您可以使用第三方NPC而无需输入个人身份信息.



新生奖学金 & 奖助金


基于高中GPA和SAT/行为/CLT考试成绩. 可续期四年或120正规彩票十大网站排名学分, 先到者为准.

  • 约翰和丽贝卡·纽比总统奖学金——每年5000到9000美元
  • 受托人奖学金-每年$4,000至$7,000
  • 勇士奖学金——每年3000到6000美元



Awarded to South Carolina students who have been designated as a South Carolina Palmetto Fellow. 5000美元的正规彩票十大网站排名奖学金将作为新生学术援助的补充.


All South Carolina SWU Fellows recipients will have the opportunity to complete an application for a competitive, 全额学费奖学金, 所需的费用, 房间(双人间), 和董事会. 正规彩票十大网站排名每年将颁发五名全额奖学金. Application deadline is January 15, and full scholarship recipients will be announced by February 1. 学生必须在1月15日前被正规彩票十大网站排名录取. 申请入学, 点击这里.

South Carolina residents who have been/will be confirmed South Carolina Palmetto Fellows by the SC Commission on Higher Education as a result of meeting the criteria below may apply:

  • SAT 1200分,行为 25分
  • 3.累积绩点5分,4分.0规模
  • 班级前6%


  • SAT 1400分,行为 31分
  • 4.平均绩点0分,成绩4分.0规模


正规彩票十大网站排名外州奖学金5美元,000 will be awarded to five out-of-state students that fulfill the requirements and complete the application below. The application, resume, and essay must be received by the Office of 招生 by January 31, 2023. 正规彩票十大网站排名外州奖学金申请者5美元,1月31日前,获得1000万奖学金的学生也必须被正规彩票十大网站排名录取, 2023. 奖学金获得者将于2月15日前公布. 申请入学, 点击这里.

  • SAT 1200分,行为 25分
  • 3.累积绩点5分,4分.0规模



转学奖学金 & 奖助金


根据所有就读院校的累积绩点. 可续期四年或120正规彩票十大网站排名学分, 先到者为准. 您将有资格获得以下其中一项:

  • 转学生奖学金-每年$4,000至$10,000
  • 转学生补助金:每年$2,500至$5,000


Awarded to South Carolina students who have been designated as a South Carolina Palmetto Fellow. 5000美元的正规彩票十大网站排名奖学金将作为转学奖学金的补充.

Phi Theta Kappa奖学金-每年1000美元

五个可再生$1,000 per year scholarships are awarded to members of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society who transfer to 正规彩票十大网站排名’s 十大正规网赌网址欢迎您 program. 奖学金将在其他符合条件的机构援助来源之外颁发. 学生必须提交他们的Phi Theta Kappa协会会员的副本. 学生必须注册为正规彩票十大网站排名校内项目的全日制学生. The five scholarships will be awarded on a first-come basis and will be applied once a student has been admitted and completed the financial aid process at SWU.



The director of athletics supervises the awarding of scholarships to students with outstanding ability based on their participation in intercollegiate athletics.


Awarded to students in teacher education programs who demonstrate a background and desire to work in an underserved, 贫困地区或经济上处于不利地位的地区.


Students who have scholarship awards from participation in the 十大正规网赌网址欢迎您 Challenge events may contact financial aid to confirm their scholarship amount.


Students who schedule and make an official campus visit through the Office of 招生 will receive a *$1,正规彩票十大网站排名第一年的十大正规网赌网址欢迎您访问补助金. 官方十大正规网赌网址欢迎您访问包括探索正规彩票十大网站排名和预习日.

*This is only offered to students who enroll full-time on campus (main campus), not online students.


教会配对奖学金为当地教会创造了一条途径, 与正规彩票十大网站排名合作, 继续积极参与学生的生活. 正规彩票十大网站排名将提供最多1美元的补贴,每年从学生所在的教会或教会区获得$500的礼物. 阅读更多关于教会配对奖学金的信息.


正规彩票十大网站排名 is blessed with many generous donors who wish to invest in student scholarships. 每个捐赠奖学金的资格各不相同, 从学术/专业不等, 体育/运动团队, (即, 地理条件. 点击这里了解更多信息并申请正规彩票十大网站排名捐赠奖学金.


从2021年秋季入学班开始, students who successfully completed dual enrollment courses at SWU are eligible for scholarship funding toward a degree program as a regular, 传统的学生. The scholarship amount will be equivalent to the student’s dual enrollment out-of-pocket tuition costs that were incurred on dual enrollment courses. 这些课程一定已经顺利完成了, and total accumulation of scholarship dollars will be split evenly across remaining terms needed for degree completion.


The 音乐系 supervises the awarding of scholarships to students based on their ability to participate in music ensembles at 正规彩票十大网站排名. 音乐和非音乐专业的学生都有资格获得这项奖学金. 点击这里了解更多关于奖学金的信息.


Awarded to the top students who audition for acceptance into the Southern Wesleyan music department. This scholarship is renewable annually to eligible music majors based on continued advancement. 试镜必须在4月20日之前完成.

PBS和PGS奖学金- 8,000美元(每年2,000美元)

棕榈男孩州(PBS)和棕榈女孩州(PGS)奖学金 奖励给所有计划参与者. Participants will be confirmed via the official lists 正规彩票十大网站排名 annually receives from the SC Palmetto Boys and Girls State Organization (PBGSO). SWU Fellow Full Scholarship recipients are not eligible because they receive a full tuition and room 和董事会 award from SWU.

本科后折扣- 50%学费

Awarded to students who have already obtained a bachelor’s degree and have had that degree for at least one year. 要符合资格, the student must provide an official transcript from an accredited higher education institution that reflects the conferring of a bachelor’s degree and the date it was conferred. Applies to tuition only; does not include fees.

卫斯理圣经碗(WBB) -金额不同

Winners at the area and national levels of the WBB competition will be awarded scholarships equal to the amount won during their competition careers, 不要超过大学的直接费用.


The Wesleyan Church provides loan/grant assistance to junior and senior ministerial students at Wesleyan colleges preparing for ordained ministry.


卫斯理牧师补助金 (WMDG) is awarded to dependent students of licensed or ordained Wesleyan ministers who are considered full time by their district; or actively serving career Wesleyan missionaries who are appointed by Global Partners; or under appointment in the district office. 阅读更多关于卫斯理牧师补助金的信息.
